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First Energy Fuel Fund & Project REACH

​​The First Energy Fuel Fund Grant Program is designed to assist residential customers with the payment of their electric bill to maintain their service, or to assist in establishing service for new electric service applicants who have an unpaid bill from a previous residence.  This program support is provided through First Energy corporate funds.  Applicants for grant assistance must meet certain household income and other program qualification requirements.  Approved grants are applied directly to utility bills.  


FirstEnergy (Ohio Edison) Fuel Fund


Contact: ODSA at 1-800-848-1300 or your local Community Action Agency.  â€‹You can also contact First Energy at 1-800-633-4766, (Ohio Edison).


Benefit: Up to $300. 


​​Eligibility: Household earnings at or below 200 percent of the federal poverty guidelines. Applicants must have an active account with the utility and must have exhausted all other assistance programs before using the FEFF.  â€‹â€‹Applicants must have made a "good-faith" payment within the last 90 days.


Availability: Year-round, or until funds run out. Apply early in the year to ensure funds are available.


Emergency Hardship Funds - Project REACH


These funds assist residential customers who need temporary assistance or have an emergency hardship and vary by company.  


Contact: Ohio Edison-Project REACH (  Administered by your local Salvation Army.


Benefit: Up to $200.


Eligibility: At or below 200 percent of the federal poverty guidelines.


Availability: Open year-round, or until funds run out.



Mission Statement 

"To promote self-sufficiency and improve the quality of life of those in need."


Vision Statement 

CACEHR is a leading agency embracing a diverse community with outstanding arms uplifting individuals to their highest potential by empowering all to a more successful life in an ever changing world. 


The Promise of Community Action
"Community Action changes people's lives, embodies the spirit of hope, improves communities, and makes America a better place to live. We care about the entire community, and we are dedicated to helping people help themselves and each other."




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F: 419-626-0964


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